2016 Louisiana General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Louisiana 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Donald Trump received 1,178,638 (58%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 780,154 (38%) by 399,103 votes in Louisiana. Donald Trump won 54 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 10 counties in the total of the 64 counties in the State of Louisiana. 2016 Louisiana (LA) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won

2016 Idaho General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Idaho 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Presidential Election Donald Trump received 409,055 (59.2%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 189,765 (27.5%) by 219,290 votes in Idaho. Donald Trump won 42 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 2 counties in the total of the 44 counties in the state of Idaho. 2016 Idaho (ID) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won P

2016 Kansas General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Kansas 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Donald Trump received 671,018 (56%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 427,005 (36%) by 244,013 votes in Kansas. Donald Trump won 103 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 2 counties in the total of the 105 counties in the state of Kansas. 2016 Kansas (KS) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won Primary Elections

2016 Indiana General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Indiana 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Donald Trump received 1,557,286 (57%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 1,033,126 (38%) by 524,160 votes in Indiana. Donald Trump won 88 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 4 counties in the total of the 92 counties in the state of Indiana. 2016 Indiana (IN) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won Primary E

2016 Hawaii General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Hawaii 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Hillary Clinton received 266.891 (62%) votes beating Donald Trump who gained 128,847 (30%) by 138,044 votes in Hawaii. Hillary Clinton won all 4 counties in the State of Hawaii, leaving Donald Trump with nothing to claim. 2016 Hawaii (HI) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won Primary Elections Presidential General Ele

2016 Illinois General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Illinois 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Hillary Clinton received 3,090,729 (55%) votes beating Donald Trump who gained 2,145,015 (38%) by 945,714 votes in Illinois. Donald Trump won 90 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 12 counties in the total of the 102 counties in the state of Illinois. 2016 Illinois (IL) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Wo

2016 Iowa General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Iowa 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Presidential Election Iowa Win Donald Trump received 800,983 (51%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 653,669 (42%) by 147,314 votes in Iowa. Donald Trump won 93 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 6 counties in the total of the 99 counties in the state of Iowa. 2016 Iowa (IA) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties

2016 Arkansas General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Arkansas 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Arkansas Win Donald Trump received 684,872 (61%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 380,494 (34%) by 304,378 votes in Arkansas. Donald Trump won 67 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 8 counties in the total of the 75 counties in the state of Arkansas. 2016 Arkansas Primary vs. General Elections Counties Won Primary Elections Presidential General Election Primary Electi

2016 Colorado General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Colorado 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Colorado Win Hillary Clinton received 1,338,870 (48%) votes beating Donald Trump who gained 1,202,484 (43%) by 136,386 votes in Colorado. Donald Trump won 41 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 23 counties in the total of the 64 counties in the State of Colorado. 2016 Colorado (CO) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections

2016 Connecticut General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Connecticut 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Hillary Clinton received 897,572 (55%) votes beating Donald Trump who gained 673,215 (41%) by 224,357 votes in Connecticut. Hillary Clinton won 6 counties whereas Donald Trump won 2 counties in the total of the 8 counties in the state of Connecticut. 2016 Connecticut (CT) Primary [https://ghost.truefairnews.com/2016-california-primary-story/]vs. General Elections Counties Won P

2016 Delaware General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Delaware 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Hillary Clinton received 235,603 (53%) votes beating Donald Trump who gained 185,127 (42%) by 50,476 votes in Delaware. Donald Trump won 2 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 1 county in the total of the 3 counties in the state of Delaware. Primary Elections Presidential General Election Primary Election In the Primary, Sanders won 16 counties in the 2-way match up. Trump trailed

2016 Florida General Election Story
A head to head comparison of the Florida 2016 General Election gives an idea of the breakdown of the voters. Presidential Election Donald Trump received 4,617,866 (49%) votes beating Hillary Clinton who gained 4,504,975 (47%) by 112,891 votes in Florida. Donald Trump won 58 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 9 counties in the total of the 67 counties in the state of Florida. Primary Elections Presidential General Election Primary Election In the Primary, Trump won 49 counties in the 3-wa