"Truth" always brings liberation and being "fair" has kept us human beings from destroying ourselves into extinction. So, when truth joins forces with fairness, it creates a thriving environment that’s liberating and nurturing. TrueFairNew (TFN) strives to be architects of such a thriving environment, providing unbiased news to the public grounded in truth, integrity, and fairness.
In 2020, the world is as polarized as ever. It feels as if everything is broken or on the verge of breaking down. Wisdom of the few makes this turmoil feel eternal, monumental and existential because of the magnitude of the moment. The whole world is feeling the universal pinch of our painful situation, not silently but with a loud rancor among brethren. No event seems to go unnoticed, creating a tinder box of heightened emotions and polarity. In such a polarized environment, it is extremely easy to fall into the trap of picking a side by singing to the choir while drowning out the ideas of the other side. Unchecked, it only leads to an echo chamber where every conformed thought creates a deafening cacophony of biased unhinged rhetoric, poisoning every attempt of reasonable dialog. Unstopped, this unhinged rhetoric always leads to a war of words, dragging it into war on the streets destroying the peace and prosperity of any nation. Clarity in purpose, integrity of character, and honorable in all actions are the only things that will negate the risk of propagating these echo chambers.
TFN was launched with a simple and sincere purpose of providing information to the citizens of the nations by being truthful, guided by facts and with fairness. TFN's purpose is clearly defined by "News based on TRUTH covered FAIRLY". Better to be a small organization that walks in INTEGRITY than a big one that stumbles without it. Integrity is the fundament to the security of any organization. TFN strives to operate out of truth and fairness with a desire to work for the good and welfare of all people; we hold integrity to withstand any excuse to shy away for doing the honorable thing. TFN is always working towards becoming pre-eminent among organizations that do the same, engaging in every actionable effort to be held in high esteem, not just by organizations who support it but also by everyone who has a reason to have an opinion on TFN’s actions. This can only happen if purposeful vision, truth, fairness, integrity, and acting with honor are at the core of TFN's organization. And they will be, from the day it starts unto eternity.
TFN will never have hysterical headlines, clickbait articles, or make any attempts to ensnare readers. Every article will be an effort to enlighten the people by presenting truth fairly. We aspire to be the world’snewspaper of record in the long run, though we start with thissmall blog site today in the USA for your entertainment.