A head to head comparison of the Alabama 2016 General Election gives us an idea of the breakdown of the voters
Alabama Win
Donald Trump received 1,318,255 (62%) votes beating Hillary Clinton with 729,547 (34%) by 588,708 votes in Alabama.
Donald Trump won 54 counties whereas Hillary Clinton won 13 counties in the total of the 67 counties in the state of Alabama.
2016 CA Primary Election vs Presidential General Elections Counties Won
Primary Elections
Presidential General Election
Primary Election
In the Primary, Trump won 41 counties in the 2-way match up. Clinton trailed behind Trump winning 26 counties.
2016 AL Primary vs General Elections w.r.t. % votes and Total Votes Won
Primary Election
Presidential Election
On a head to head count with the total votes between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the primary and general elections, % vote shift difference is a 9% increment for Donald Trump in the Presidential Elections as opposed to a 9% decrease for Hillary Clinton. These margins are represented as 946,520 vote increment for Donald Trump and 419,619 vote increment for Hillary Clinton at the General Elections.
2016 General Election Hillary Clinton Popular Vote Count Contributed by AL
Presidential Primary Elections
Presidential General Elections
During the 2016 General elections, over 146,434,269 total number of votes were cast. Hillary Clinton got 65,849,971 (65.8 Million) over Donald Trump's 62,984,405 (62.9 Million). She won the popular vote by 2,865,566 (2.8 Million). Even though she lost the Alabama state, her 729,547 votes represents a 1.1% of her popular vote victory. The remaining 49 states contributed to her the remaining 98.9% popular votes victory.
Top 15 Counties in Primary Elections vs General Elections
All Candidates (Primary Elections)
All Candidates (General Elections)
Primary vs General
These 15 counties play an important role in these primary elections. Even if a candidate does not achieve a sizable majority in one of the larger counties (Jefferson, Mobile), they can still take the lead. by capturing very large minorities in several counties.
Top 15 Counties Comparison in Primary Elections vs General Elections
Primary Elections
Hillary Clinton
Primary Elections
Donald Trump
General Elections
Hillary Clinton
General Elections
Donald Trump
Jefferson, which is the largest county voted in favor of Clinton, giving her over 22k vote advantage out of that county. However, the next two larger counties (Mobile and Madison) gave Trump over 49k vote advantage. This made Trump gain an upper hand on Alabama.
Related References: 2016 Alabama Primary Election Story, 2020 Alabama Primary Election Story